Angela Irvine

Angela Irvine, PhD, has more than 20 years’ experience in education and social policy. Raised in Santa Cruz County, CA, Angela earned her BA from UC Berkeley in 1984, her secondary teaching credential from St. Mary’s College of California in 1985, and her PhD in sociology from Northwestern University in 2002 while simultaneously serving as a National Science Fellow (NSF) in public policy and program evaluation. Angela spent 10 years running her own program evaluation and policy research business, and she has studied housing, education, health, and criminal justice policy. Angela is now a research director at NCCD, currently serving as the principal investigator of a national study of LGBT youth in the juvenile justice system; a project to improve permanency for LGBT youth and youth of color within the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems; and a National Institute of Justice researcher-practitioner partnership grant in Santa Cruz County to determine whether structured decision making instruments used by adult probation departments can lead to more equitable probation outcomes for Latinos and women. She is also the director of the NCCD Center for Girls and Young Women.